Date: February 13th, 2018
These events are now complete, you can view recordings and other materials below. To view the StatsRRTC Disability Statistics Collection visit our Statistics Collection.
Panel 1: Annual Report, Compendium, and Compendium Supplement
Moderator: Michael Murray, ODEP, Andrew Houtenville, UNH
- Presentation 1: Time Trends, Andrew Houtenville
- Presentation 2: State Level Statistics, Lewis Kraus
- Presentation 3: Compendium & Compendium Supplement, Eric Lauer
Panel 2: Updates from Agencies Collecting and/or Needing Data
Moderator: Andrew Houtenville, UNH
- Presentation 1: Advancing Disability Employment in Your State: Data and Resources to Inspire a Vision of Employment, Richard Davis & Savi Swick, ODEP, ODEP
- Presentation 2: Disability Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, Danielle Taylor, Census Bureau
- Presentation 3: Updates from National Center on Health Statistics, Julie Weeks, NCHS
- Presentation 4: Data Activity Updates from NCBDDD’s Disability and Health Branch, Alissa Stevens, NCBDDD
- Presentation 5: Data Needs to Inform Program Planning and Policies on Health of People with Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Johnson, AIDD
Panel 3: Scientific/Methodological Issues in Disability Statistics
Moderator: Debra Brucker, UNH
- Presentation 1: Surveillance of People with IDD Using Medicaid and Commercial Claims, Kim Phillips, UNH
- Presentation 2: Comparing ACS Set and Washington Group Set, Eric Lauer, UNH
- Presentation 3: Using Behavioral Science to Improve Survey Participation: An Experiment with the National Beneficiary Survey, Jason Markesich, Mathematica