
Resource Year Topic
Bourbonniere, A. M., & Mann, D. R., (2018). Benefit Duration and Return to Work Outcomes in Short Term Disability Insurance Programs: Evidence from Rhode Island's Temporary Disability Insurance Program. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 28, 597-607
DOI: 10.1007/s10926-018-9796-4 This is the corrected publication.
2018 Employment
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Schimmel Hyde, J., (Eds.) (2018) Special Journal Volume: Opportunities for early intervention to avoid prolonged work disability – Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 28(4).
DOI: 10.1007/s10926-018-9813-7
2018 Employment
Measuring Satisfaction of VR Consumers.
Online Course
Type: Other
Labor Market and Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Supply Side Services.
Online Course
Type: Other
Professional Development of Evaluation Staff
Online Course
Type: Other
Implementing Performance Management Systems.
Online Course
Type: Other
Evaluation Tools, Processes and Methods
Online Course
Type: Other
Performance Management, Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Online Course
Type: Other
Lauer, E. A., Houtenville, A., & Ruiz, A., (2013). Disability surveillance using national household surveys in the United States: Where have we been and where are we going? Social Dimensions of Health Institute, University of Dundee, Scotland
March 25, 2013
2013 Measurement
Houtenville, A., Lauer, E.A., Reichard, A., Lauer, E., & Bonardi, A. (2013). Health of people with intellectual disabilities: Can it be surveilled through existing data? 141st APHA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
November 2-6, 2013
2013 Health
Kraus. L., (2015). American Community Survey. 2015 ADA Symposium, Atlanta, GA
May 12, 2015
2015 Measurement
Kraus. L., (2014). American Community Survey resources and technical assistance. 2014 VR Summit Conference, Louisville, KY
September 7-9, 2014
2014 Measurement
Schimmel Hyde, J., (2014). The availability of federal/state vocational rehabilitation (VR) services and subsequent claiming and receipt of federal disability benefits. State of the Science Conference
State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014.
2014 Employment
Goodman, N., (2014). Use of the Earned Income Tax Credit among people with disabilities. State-of-the-Science: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD
April 9, 2104
2014 Employment
Sundar, V., (2014) Conceptualizing and measuring workplace accommodations. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD
April 8, 2014
2014 Employment
Honeycutt, T., & Wittenburg, D., (2014). Provider networks of youth receiving supplemental security income: evidence from the youth transition demonstration. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Emp
Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014
2014 Demographics
Livermore, G., & Honeycutt, T., (2014). Employment and economic well-being of people with disabilities before and after the great recession. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap
Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014 Also presented at the Fall Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, Baltimore, MD,…
2014 Employment
Schimmel Hyde, J., & Livermore, G., (2014). Gaps in timely access to care among workers by disability status: will the ACA change the landscape? ASHE Fifth Biennial Conference, Los Angeles, CA
June 25, 2014
2014 Employment
Manum, A., Denny-Brown, N., & O’Neill, J., (2014). Getting a job, keeping a job: services and supports that promote employment among people with disabilities. Center for Studying Disability Policy Research Forum, Washington, DC
September 17, 2014
2014 Employment
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Mamun, A., (2014). Return-to-work outcomes among Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) Beneficiaries. CSDP Forum. Washington, DC. September 17, 2014
Also given at the State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD April 8…
2014 Employment