






Resource Year Topic
Hill, A., & Schimmel Hyde, J., (2019). Health Insurance and Access to Care of Workers with Disabilities, 2001-2017. Disability and Health Journal, 13(1).
DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2019.100843
2019 Employment
Boege, S., Lauer, E. A., & Houtenville, A., (2019). 2015 County Reports. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event
2019 Demographics
Boege, S., Lauer, E. A., & Houtenville, A., (2019). 2016 County Reports. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event
2019 Demographics
Boege, S., Lauer, E. A., & Houtenville, A., (2019). 2017 County Reports. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event
2019 Demographics
Lauer, E, & Houtenville, A., (2019). Annual Disability Statistics Supplement: 2018. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium event.
2019 Measurement
Houtenville, A., & Boege, S., (2019). Disability Statistics Annual Report: 2018. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium event.
2019 Measurement
Lauer, E. A., & Houtenville, A., (2019). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2018. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium event.
2019 Measurement
Brucker, D.L. & Henly, M., (2019). Job quality for Americans with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 50, 121-130.
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-180994
2019 Employment
Brucker. D.L., (2019) Variations in poverty by family characteristics for working-age adults in the United States. Family Relations.
2019 Demographics
Hill, A. & Mann, D. (2019) Do short-term changes in funding improve Vocational Rehabilitation outcomes? Evidence from the ARRA. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(3).
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-191051
2019 Employment
Markesich, J., Feldman, S., & Rafferty, W., (2019). Compendium of Disability Data Collection Methods.
Mathematica Policy Research Report
2019 Measurement
Boege, S., & Lauer, E., (2019). Promoting the Use of Web-Based Platform to Provide Targeted Knowledge Translation with Infographics and County-level data.
Presented at NARRTC 2019 Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 23, 2019.
2019 Measurement
Lauer, E., (2019). Comparing Disparities in Social Determinants of Health Using American Community Survey and Washington Group Short Set Questions.
Presented at NARRTC 2019 Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 23, 2019
2019 Measurement
Phillips, K. (2019). Disability Employment: Statistcs and Trends.
Presented at the National Organization on Disability, Washington, DC, July 24, 2019.
2019 Employment
Boege, S. (2019). Knowledge Translation: Where should the Field Go Next? StatsRRTC Reflections.
Presented at KTER Center's State of the Science Conference on Employment Research, September 6, 2019.
2019 Measurement
Henly, M. (2019). Data on Autism in Higher Education and Employment.
Presentation at Autism at Work Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. September 26, 2019.
2019 Education, Employment
Lauer, E., Brucker, D., Reif, S., Adams, R., & Mitra, M. (2019). People with Disabilities Experience Disparities in Prescription Opioid Use Disorder, Pain Management, and Receipt of Illicit Drug Use Treatment.
Oral Presentation at Brandeis University, September 24, 2019 Oral Presentation, Addiction Health Services Conference, Park City, UT, October 16, 2019
2019 Health
Boege, S., Lauer, E., (2019). Disability Statistics and Data Visualization for Impact.
AUCD Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 18, 2019
2019 Measurement
Chandler, J., (2019). Surveying Vocational Rehabilitation Applicants Online: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 30(3), 164-173.
doi: 10.1177/1044207319835188
2019 Measurement
Brucker, D. L. & Helms, V., (2019). Health, Health Behaviors, and HealthCare Utilization Among Adults with Serious Psychological Distress WhoReceive Federal Housing Assistance. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46.
DOI: 10.1007/s11414-018-09647-z
2019 Health



Resource Year Topic
Kraus, L., (2017). Disability Statistics Annual Report: 2016. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Comepndium
2017 Demographics
Lauer, E.A. & Houtenville, A.J. 2017. Annual Disability Statistics Supplement: 2016. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event
2017 Demographics
Lauer, E. A., & Houtenville, A., (2017). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2016. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
2017 Demographics
Sundar, V., (2017). Operationalizing workplace accommodations for individuals with disabilities: A scoping review. Work, 56(1), 135-155.
DOI: 10.3233/WOR-162472
2017 Employment
Henderson, D., Houtenville, A., & Wang, L., (2017). The distribution of returns to education for people with disabilities. Journal of Labor Research, 38, 261
DOI: 10.1007/s12122-017-9245-8
2017 Education
Brucker, D.L., Rollins, N., & Houtenville, A.J., (2017). Striving to work. Social Indicators Research, 139, 541-558.
DOI: 10.1007/s11205-017-1730-1
2017 Employment
Ladinsky, J., (2017). From WIA to WIOA: Lessons for the implementation of the workforce innovation and opportunity act. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 39(2), 107-118.
Not available online
2017 Employment
Mann, D., Honeycutt, T., Bailey, M., & O’Neill, J., (2017). Using administrative data to explore the employment and benefit receipt outcomes of vocational rehabilitation applicants years after program exit. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46(2), 159
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-160852
2017 Employment
Brucker, D., & Mitra, S., (2017). Income poverty and multiple deprivations in a high-income country: The case of the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 86(1), 37-56.
DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12291.
2017 Demographics
Sevak, P., Stapleton, D., & O’Neill, J., (2017). How individual and environmental factors affect employment outcomes. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46(2), 117-120.
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-160848.
2017 Employment
Brucker, D., & Helms, V., (2017). Measuring Disability. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 19(2), 257-265.
2017 Measurement
Brucker, D., Helms, V., & Souza, T., (2017). Health and Health Services Access Among Adults with Disabilities Who Receive Federal Housing Assistance. Housing Policy Debate, 28(2), 248-266.
DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2017.1357048
2017 Health



Resource Year Topic
Lauer, E. A., Brucker, D., & Houtenville, A., (2015). Distribution of prevalence estimates of people with disabilities across national surveys. 143rd APHA Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois
October 31-November 4, 2015
2015 Measurement
Mann, D., (2015). The long-term employment and benefit receipt outcomes of Vocational Rehabilitation customers. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Conference, Miami, FL
November 12-14, 2015
2015 Employment
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Stapleton, D., (2015). Are SSDI beneficiaries entering the rolls sooner and staying longer? Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Conference, Miami, FL
November 12-14, 2015
2015 Demographics
Stoddard, S., (2015). Disability Statistics Annual Report: 2015. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event
2015 Demographics
Dooha, S., Brucker, D., & Rollins, N., (2015). ADA At 25: Many bridges to cross. NY, NY: Center for Independence of the Disabled.
Published with the Center for Independence of the Disabled
2015 Demographics
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Mamun, A., (2015). Return-to-work outcomes among Social Security Disability Insurance program beneficiaries. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 26(2), 100-110.
DOI: 10.1177/1044207315583874
2015 Employment
Honeycutt, T., Bardos, M., & McLeod, S., (2015). Bridging the gap: A comparative assessment of vocational rehabilitation agency practices with transition-age youth. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 43(3), 229-247.
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-150772
2015 Employment
Brucker, D., (2015). Social capital, employment and labor force participation among persons with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 41(1), 17-31.
2015 Employment
Sevak, P., Houtenville, A., & Bruker, D., (2015). Individual characteristics and the disability employment gap. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 26(2), 80-88.
DOI: 10.1177/1044207315585823
2015 Employment
Brucker, D., Houtenville, A., & Lauer, E. A., (2015). Using sensory, functional, and activity limitation data to estimate employment outcomes for working-age persons with disabilities in the United States. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 27(3), 131-
DOI: 10.1177/1044207315578949
2015 Employment
Brucker, D., & Houtenville, A., (2015). People with disabilities in the United States. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(5), 771-774.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2015.02.024
2015 Demographics
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Mamun, A., (2015). Return-to-Work Outcomes Among Social Security Disability Insurance Program Beneficiaries. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 26(2), 100-110.
DOI: 10.1177/1044207315583874
2015 Employment
Brucker, D., & Scally, C., (2015). Linking public housing, employment, and disability benefits for working-age people with disabilities. Housing & Society, 42(2), 126-147.
DOI: 10.1080/08882746.2015.1076130
2015 Employment


Resource Year Topic
Schimmel-Hyde, J., Honeycutt, T., & Stapleton, D., (2014). The relationship between timely delivery of vocational rehabilitation services and subsequent federal disability benefit application and receipt. Journal of Labor Policy, 3(1), 2-19.
DOI: 10.1186/2193-9004-3-15
2014 Employment
Brucker, D., & Houtenville, A., (2014). Living on the edge: Assessing the economic impacts of potential disability benefit reductions for Social Security disability beneficiaries. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 41(3), 209-223.
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-140714
2014 Demographics
Houtenville, A., & Brucker, D., (2014). Participation in safety-net programs and the utilization of employment services among working-age persons with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 25(2), 91-105.
DOI: 10.1177/1044207312474308
2014 Employment
Kraus. L., (2014). American Community Survey resources and technical assistance. 2014 VR Summit Conference, Louisville, KY
September 7-9, 2014
2014 Measurement
Schimmel Hyde, J., (2014). The availability of federal/state vocational rehabilitation (VR) services and subsequent claiming and receipt of federal disability benefits. State of the Science Conference
State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014.
2014 Employment
Goodman, N., (2014). Use of the Earned Income Tax Credit among people with disabilities. State-of-the-Science: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD
April 9, 2104
2014 Employment
Sundar, V., (2014) Conceptualizing and measuring workplace accommodations. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD
April 8, 2014
2014 Employment
Honeycutt, T., & Wittenburg, D., (2014). Provider networks of youth receiving supplemental security income: evidence from the youth transition demonstration. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Emp
Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014
2014 Demographics
Livermore, G., & Honeycutt, T., (2014). Employment and economic well-being of people with disabilities before and after the great recession. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap
Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014 Also presented at the Fall Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, Baltimore, MD,…
2014 Employment
Schimmel Hyde, J., & Livermore, G., (2014). Gaps in timely access to care among workers by disability status: will the ACA change the landscape? ASHE Fifth Biennial Conference, Los Angeles, CA
June 25, 2014
2014 Employment
Manum, A., Denny-Brown, N., & O’Neill, J., (2014). Getting a job, keeping a job: services and supports that promote employment among people with disabilities. Center for Studying Disability Policy Research Forum, Washington, DC
September 17, 2014
2014 Employment
Ben-Shalom, Y., & Mamun, A., (2014). Return-to-work outcomes among Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) Beneficiaries. CSDP Forum. Washington, DC. September 17, 2014
Also given at the State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD April 8…
2014 Employment
Houtenville, A., Brucker, D., & Lauer, E. A., (2014). Annual Compendium of Disability Statistics: 2014. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.
Released at the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
2014 Demographics
Brucker, D., & Houtenville, A., (2014). Living on the edge: Assessing the economic impacts of potential disability benefit reductions for Social Security disability beneficiaries. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 41(3), 209-223.
2014 Demographics
Schimmel Hyde, J., & Livermore, G., (2014). Gaps in timely access to care among workers by disability status: will the patient protection and affordable care act reforms change the landscape? Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 26(4), 221-231.
DOI: 10.1177/1044207314542005
2014 Employment
Schimmel Hyde, J., Honeycutt, T., & Stapleton, D., (2014). The relationship between timely delivery of vocational rehabilitation services and subsequent federal disability benefit application and receipt. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 3:15.
DOI: 10.1186/2193-9004-3-15
2014 Employment
Livermore, G., Wittenburg, D., & Neumark, D., (2014). Finding alternatives to disability benefit receipt. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 3:14.
DOI: 10.1186/2193-9004-3-14
2014 Demographics
Brucker, D., Mitra, S., Chaitoo, N., & Mauro, J., (2014). More likely to be poor whatever the measure: Working-age persons with disabilities in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 96(1), 273-296.
DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12098
2014 Demographics