Season 9 - Episode 5 - 5/3/2024
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenter Adene Karhan from the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth).
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenter Adene Karhan from the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth).
Join us for a "Deeper Dive" into the history of counting people with disabilities in the U.S.! Using data from a population survey released mid-month, our team of experts will explore important trends and topics with long time host Andrew Houtenville.
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenters Carolyn LeBrane Tilton and Alexander Andreson from Disability Rights of Louisiana.
Join us for a "Deeper Dive" into Employment Trends for Women with Disabilities! Using data from a population survey released mid-month, our team of experts will explore important trends and topics with guest speaker Kimberly Aguillard from Mathematica.
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenter Patricia Gill from the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF).
Join us for a "Deeper Dive" into Employment Trends for African Americans with Disabilities! Using data from a population survey released mid-month, our team of experts will explore important trends and topics with guest speakers Kelsey Webb and Gemarco Peterson from Langston University.
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenters Yonatan Ben-Shalom and Monica Farid from Mathematica.
Join us for a "Deeper Dive" into disability statistics! Using data from a population survey released mid-month, our team of experts will explore important trends and topics with guest speakers each month.
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenter Andrew Houtenville, Discussing Potential Changes to How People with Disabilities are Identified in Surveys.
Join us for the next nTIDE Lunch & Learn Webinar featuring guest presenter Rachel Pollock, Senior Program Advisor / General Counsel for Job Path, Inc.