nTIDE Lunch & Learn Season 10 - Episode 1

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Welcome to the National Trends in Disability Employment (or nTIDE) Lunch & Learn series. On the first Friday of every month, corresponding with the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report, we will be offering a live broadcast via Zoom Webinar to share the results of the latest nTIDE findings. In addition, we will provide news and updates from the field of Disability Employment, as well as host an invited panelist who will discuss current disability related findings and events.

  • 12:00 pm: Introduction & Welcome
    Hyun Ju Kim, University of New Hampshire
  • 12:10 pm: Overview of National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE) Jobs Report
    • Release John O’Neill, Kessler Foundation
    • The Numbers Hyun Ju Kim, University of New Hampshire
  • 12:15 pm: Announcements from the field of Disability Employment
    Denise Rozell, Director of Policy Innovation, AUCD
  • 12:30 pm: Guest Presenter:

    Bill Field, AgrAbility / Purdue University

  • 12:45 pm: Open Question & Answer period for attendees

Note. All webinars will be recorded and closed captioned and will be added to our website archives along with full transcripts following the live broadcast.


Bill Field is a man with short, wavy, white hair. He's wearing glasses and a checkered blue button up shirt and smiling at the camera.

Bill Field holds the rank of professor within the Purdue University Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and is the Purdue Extension safety specialist for Indiana. He directs the Purdue Agricultural Safety and Health Program, which addresses injury prevention, emergency preparedness, and rehabilitation of agricultural workers. He founded the Breaking New Ground Resource Center in 1979, which is now home to the National AgrAbility Project. The project provides assistance to farmers with physical handicaps. Among his many honors, in 2004 Bill was the recipient of the M.L. King Spirit of Justice Award for his work with farm families impacted by disability.

Hyun Ju Kim is a woman with short bobbed brown hair wearing a blue blazer.

Hyun Ju Kim, PhD, is a Project Director III at UNH’s Institute on Disability (IOD) whose research interest includes quantitatively evaluating Social Security disability programs with a focus on economic mobility and financial security for vulnerable populations by race/ethnicity, gender, and immigrant status. When she joined IOD as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in 2022, she analyzed the impact of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on poverty during economic shocks comparing the Great Recession and the COVID pandemic recession. She intends to expand her research to investigate the food security among participants of SSI and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), barriers and facilitators of using Achieving Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts among SSI recipients, and ethnic network effects among immigrant populations with disabilities in applying for SSDI/SSI. Prior to joining IOD, Dr. Kim worked at the World Bank as a consultant and conducted research on structural profiles of informality in the labor markets of the Middle East and North African region.

John O'Neill is a man with short gray hair and round glasses, wearing a suit and tie.

John O'Neill, PhD is the director of employment and disability research at Kessler Foundation and has over 28 years of experience in vocational rehabilitation as a rehabilitation counselor educator, disability employment researcher, and advisor to state vocational rehabilitation agencies. Dr. O’Neill has been a PI or co-PI on six NIDILRR funded, five-year research and training centers focusing on TBI and community integration, disability statistics, disability employment service system, and how individual and contextual factors relate to employment outcomes among people with disabilities.

Denise Rozell is a woman with short reddish blond hair and red glasses

Denise M. Rozell, JD is the Director of Policy Innovation at the AUCD. Prior to joining AUCD, she spent fifteen years as Assistant Vice President for State Government Relations with Easter Seals. Denise was the primary resource to Easter Seals 75 affiliates in building capacity to increase awareness of and support for Easter Seals in state government. Prior to that, Denise was the Executive Director of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, an international membership organization for the professionals serving individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Denise holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Occidental College in Los Angeles and a juris doctorate from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California in Berkeley.
