nTIDE Deeper Dive - 9/22/2023

Online Only

September 22, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET | Free | Online | Contact


This month's Deeper Dive of the issues will look at Employment Trends for Youth with Disabilities with guest speaker Andrew Karhan, Project Director at San Diego State University’s Research Foundation -Interwork Institute (SDSURF-II).

  • 12:00 pm: Welcome and Purpose of this Deeper Dive
  • 12:05 pm: Updated numbers pertaining to today’s area of focus
  • 12:20 pm: Guest Presenter
    Andrew Karhan, San Diego State University
  • 12:35 pm: Open discussion and questions for all

Note. All webinars will be recorded and closed captioned and will be added to our website archives along with full transcripts following the live broadcast.


Andrew Karhan is a man with short brown hair and beard, wearing a tweed vest over a bright flannel with a vibrant pink patterned tie

Andrew Karhan serves a Project Director at San Diego State University’s Research Foundation -Interwork Institute (SDSURF-II). He has nearly 25 years of experience in the field of vocational rehabilitation, employment services, mental health, developmental disabilities, and transition. He currently serves as the Project Director of the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth, as funded by the U.S. Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) for SDSURF-II and works on the Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center – Quality Management. He has administered employment services programs for individuals with disabilities in both Pennsylvania and New York, as well as provided technical assistance on the implementation of best practices in employment, youth, and transition services across a myriad of states and organizations across the U.S. He was also responsible for co-authoring and facilitating the vision of Employment First in New York State through the development and implementation of the New York Employment Services System (NYESS); the administration of State’s Administrative Employment Network under Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program; the oversight and implementation of New York State’s Promoting the Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE) project; and, the development of a state-wide work incentives navigator system. He believes firmly in the power of employment in the lives of all people and has spent his career finding ways to bridge gaps in systems to ensure that all people with disabilities are afforded the opportunity to engage in meaningful, competitive, integrated employment in their communities.

Andrew Houtenville is a man with very short gray hair and beard in a brown suit

Andrew Houtenville, PhD, is a Professor of Economics and Research Director of the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Houtenville is extensively involved in disability statistics and employment policy research. He has published widely in the areas of disability statistics and the economic status of people with disabilities. He is the Principal Investigator on the NIDILRR-funded Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation and Research Training Center. Dr. Houtenville received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of New Hampshire in 1999 & was a National Institute on Aging Post-Doctoral Fellow at Syracuse University in 1998/1999.

John O'Neill is a man with short gray hair and round glasses, wearing a suit and tie.

John O'Neill, PhD is the director of employment and disability research at Kessler Foundation and has over 28 years of experience in vocational rehabilitation as a rehabilitation counselor educator, disability employment researcher, and advisor to state vocational rehabilitation agencies. Dr. O’Neill has been a PI or co-PI on six NIDILRR funded, five-year research and training centers focusing on TBI and community integration, disability statistics, disability employment service system, and how individual and contextual factors relate to employment outcomes among people with disabilities.

Denise Rozell is a woman with short reddish blond hair and red glasses

Denise M. Rozell, JD is the Director of Policy Innovation at the AUCD. Prior to joining AUCD, she spent fifteen years as Assistant Vice President for State Government Relations with Easter Seals. Denise was the primary resource to Easter Seals 75 affiliates in building capacity to increase awareness of and support for Easter Seals in state government. Prior to that, Denise was the Executive Director of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, an international membership organization for the professionals serving individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Denise holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Occidental College in Los Angeles and a juris doctorate from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California in Berkeley.

Elaine Katz is a woman with short auburn hair wearing glasses, a colorful necklace and bright blue sweater

Elaine E. Katz, MS, CCC-SLP is Senior Vice President of Grants and Communications at Kessler Foundation. Elaine Katz oversees the Foundation’s comprehensive grantmaking program and its communications department. During her tenure, the Foundation has awarded more than $49 million in grant support for national and community-based employment programs. For more than 25 years, Elaine has worked with non-profit organizations in the areas of board development, fundraising, marketing, and business development. Elaine often speaks about innovative practices for employing people with disabilities, authors/co-authors articles and papers on related topics, and is a member of several aligned organizations.
