Section 3: Employment

This section presents statistics on employment in the United States. Data are presented for people with disabilities, people without disabilities, and the relative difference (relative ratio) in percentage employed between these two populations.

The source of these data is the American Community Survey (U.S. Census Bureau). For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey. The definition for employment status can be found in the glossary.

For expanded statistics by age, gender, and race/ethnicity please go to the Annual Disability Statistics Build Your Own Statistics site


Tables 3.1: In 2022, of the 21,992,000 individuals with disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 9,798,000 individuals were employed (44.5%). In contrast, of the 177,842,000 individuals without disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 140,414,000 individuals were employed (79%). The percentage of people with disabilities employed was highest in Utah/UT, 58.4% and lowest in West Virginia/WV, 31.2%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was West Virginia/WV, with a relative ratio of 0.422 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with disabilities and those without disabilities). Table 3.1 Employment - Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.2: In 2022, of the 4,003,000 individuals with hearing disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 2,303,000 individuals were employed (57.5%). In contrast, of the 195,832,000 individuals without hearing disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 147,909,000 individuals were employed (75.5%). The percentage of people with hearing disabilities employed was highest in Rhode Island/RI, 72.6% and lowest in Puerto Rico/PR, 30.3%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was Puerto Rico/PR, with a relative ratio of 0.518 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with hearing disabilities and those without hearing disabilities). Table 3.2 Employment - Civilians with and without Hearing Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.3: In 2022, of the 4,228,000 individuals with vision disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 2,154,000 individuals were employed (50.9%). In contrast, of the 195,607,000 individuals without vision disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 148,058,000 individuals were employed (75.7%). The percentage of people with vision disabilities employed was highest in Iowa/IA, 65.5% and lowest in West Virginia/WV, 30.5%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was West Virginia/WV, with a relative ratio of 0.448 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with vision disabilities and those without vision disabilities). Table 3.3 Employment - Civilians with and without Vision Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.4: In 2022, of the 10,409,000 individuals with cognitive disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 4,056,000 individuals were employed (39%). In contrast, of the 189,426,000 individuals without cognitive disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 146,155,000 individuals were employed (77.2%). The percentage of people with cognitive disabilities employed was highest in North Dakota/ND, 59.1% and lowest in Puerto Rico/PR, 24.8%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was Hawaii/HI, with a relative ratio of 0.39 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with cognitive disabilities and those without cognitive disabilities). Table 3.4 Employment - Civilians with and without Cognitive Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.5: In 2022, of the 8,832,000 individuals with ambulatory disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 2,604,000 individuals were employed (29.5%). In contrast, of the 191,002,000 individuals without ambulatory disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 147,608,000 individuals were employed (77.3%). The percentage of people with ambulatory disabilities employed was highest in Utah/UT, 41.6% and lowest in Arkansas/AR, 19.9%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was Arkansas/AR, with a relative ratio of 0.271 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with ambulatory disabilities and those without ambulatory disabilities). Table 3.5 Employment - Civilians with and without Ambulatory Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.6: In 2022, of the 3,338,000 individuals with self-care disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 589,000 individuals were employed (17.6%). In contrast, of the 196,496,000 individuals without self-care disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 149,623,000 individuals were employed (76.1%). The percentage of people with self-care disabilities employed was highest in Alaska/AK, 31.7% and lowest in Maine/ME, 9.8%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was Maine/ME, with a relative ratio of 0.126 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with self-care disabilities and those without self-care disabilities). Table 3.6 Employment - Civilians with and without Self-Care Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Tables 3.7: In 2022, of the 7,860,000 individuals with independent living disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 1,851,000 individuals were employed (23.5%). In contrast, of the 191,975,000 individuals without independent living disabilities ages 18 to 64 years living in the community, 148,361,000 individuals were employed (77.3%). The percentage of people with independent living disabilities employed was highest in Wyoming/WY, 39.8% and lowest in Puerto Rico/PR, 12.9%. The state with the greatest disparity in employment of people with and without disabilities was Puerto Rico/PR, with a relative ratio of 0.213 (the further this value is from 1.00, the greater the disparity in employment between those with independent living disabilities and those without independent living disabilities). Table 3.7 Employment - Civilians with and without Independent Living Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Table 3.1 Employment - Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Table 3.1 Employment - Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022
State Dis. No Dis. Employment - Dis. Employment - No Dis. Relative Ratio
# ME# # ME# # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 21,992,000 127,000 177,842,000 132,000 9,798,000 86,000 44.5 0.3 140,414,000 182,000 79.0 0.1 0.564
Alabama 447,000 18,000 2,549,000 18,000 169,000 12,000 37.9 1.9 1,930,000 21,000 75.7 0.7 0.500
Alaska 52,000 6,000 381,000 7,000 24,000 5,000 46.7 6.9 297,000 10,000 77.9 1.9 0.599
Arizona 463,000 19,000 3,841,000 20,000 226,000 15,000 48.9 2.2 2,969,000 28,000 77.3 0.5 0.632
Arkansas 285,000 12,000 1,490,000 13,000 103,000 8,000 36.1 2.1 1,133,000 17,000 76.0 0.9 0.475
California 2,147,000 43,000 21,865,000 43,000 937,000 27,000 43.7 0.9 16,734,000 59,000 76.5 0.3 0.570
Colorado 355,000 17,000 3,283,000 19,000 194,000 13,000 54.5 2.1 2,715,000 27,000 82.7 0.6 0.659
Connecticut 214,000 12,000 1,994,000 13,000 95,000 9,000 44.4 2.7 1,608,000 18,000 80.7 0.8 0.550
Delaware 64,000 6,000 524,000 6,000 29,000 5,000 45.0 5.3 421,000 10,000 80.2 1.5 0.561
District of Columbia 41,000 5,000 411,000 6,000 20,000 3,000 48.6 6.1 332,000 8,000 80.9 1.8 0.600
Florida 1,328,000 30,000 11,605,000 32,000 570,000 22,000 42.9 1.3 9,064,000 46,000 78.1 0.3 0.550
Georgia 736,000 24,000 5,879,000 25,000 318,000 15,000 43.1 1.4 4,612,000 30,000 78.4 0.5 0.550
Hawaii 80,000 7,000 716,000 9,000 36,000 5,000 44.7 4.0 565,000 11,000 78.9 1.2 0.566
Idaho 140,000 10,000 986,000 10,000 70,000 7,000 49.7 3.0 785,000 13,000 79.6 1.1 0.624
Illinois 736,000 24,000 6,869,000 25,000 334,000 16,000 45.5 1.5 5,502,000 34,000 80.1 0.4 0.568
Indiana 493,000 18,000 3,565,000 19,000 225,000 13,000 45.6 1.8 2,878,000 24,000 80.7 0.6 0.565
Iowa 196,000 13,000 1,682,000 15,000 104,000 10,000 53.3 3.0 1,407,000 18,000 83.7 0.8 0.637
Kansas 198,000 11,000 1,504,000 13,000 101,000 8,000 51.0 3.0 1,226,000 14,000 81.5 0.8 0.626
Kentucky 440,000 13,000 2,220,000 14,000 167,000 10,000 37.9 1.9 1,736,000 20,000 78.2 0.7 0.485
Louisiana 398,000 18,000 2,284,000 19,000 157,000 11,000 39.5 1.9 1,717,000 23,000 75.2 0.8 0.525
Maine 110,000 9,000 712,000 8,000 45,000 6,000 40.7 4.0 583,000 12,000 81.9 1.2 0.497
Maryland 350,000 16,000 3,362,000 16,000 171,000 13,000 48.9 2.5 2,736,000 21,000 81.4 0.6 0.601
Massachusetts 437,000 17,000 3,924,000 17,000 187,000 11,000 42.7 1.8 3,195,000 24,000 81.4 0.5 0.525
Michigan 726,000 23,000 5,269,000 24,000 301,000 16,000 41.4 1.7 4,137,000 32,000 78.5 0.5 0.528
Minnesota 337,000 16,000 3,085,000 16,000 174,000 13,000 51.5 2.8 2,601,000 25,000 84.3 0.7 0.611
Mississippi 278,000 15,000 1,423,000 14,000 105,000 9,000 37.6 2.2 1,063,000 17,000 74.7 0.9 0.503
Missouri 475,000 16,000 3,169,000 16,000 205,000 13,000 43.2 2.1 2,557,000 24,000 80.7 0.6 0.535
Montana 80,000 8,000 570,000 8,000 39,000 5,000 48.8 4.2 461,000 11,000 80.9 1.5 0.603
Nebraska 118,000 9,000 1,025,000 11,000 65,000 7,000 54.5 3.4 870,000 12,000 84.9 0.9 0.642
Nevada 230,000 13,000 1,686,000 14,000 117,000 10,000 50.9 3.0 1,300,000 18,000 77.1 0.9 0.660
New Hampshire 90,000 8,000 768,000 9,000 41,000 7,000 46.1 4.6 637,000 13,000 83.0 1.3 0.555
New Jersey 469,000 17,000 5,138,000 18,000 212,000 11,000 45.2 1.8 4,107,000 26,000 79.9 0.5 0.566
New Mexico 181,000 12,000 1,040,000 14,000 80,000 8,000 44.1 2.9 780,000 16,000 75.0 1.2 0.588
New York 1,194,000 26,000 10,838,000 27,000 473,000 20,000 39.6 1.2 8,394,000 48,000 77.5 0.4 0.511
North Carolina 718,000 21,000 5,655,000 22,000 302,000 15,000 42.1 1.5 4,446,000 34,000 78.6 0.5 0.535
North Dakota 48,000 6,000 410,000 8,000 27,000 5,000 56.5 6.0 347,000 10,000 84.7 1.6 0.667
Ohio 851,000 23,000 6,094,000 25,000 372,000 18,000 43.7 1.6 4,909,000 32,000 80.5 0.5 0.543
Oklahoma 366,000 15,000 1,974,000 16,000 160,000 11,000 43.7 2.2 1,526,000 18,000 77.3 0.7 0.566
Oregon 336,000 15,000 2,232,000 16,000 153,000 11,000 45.7 2.3 1,788,000 21,000 80.1 0.7 0.570
Pennsylvania 932,000 30,000 6,789,000 31,000 412,000 18,000 44.2 1.3 5,441,000 37,000 80.1 0.5 0.552
Rhode Island 73,000 6,000 604,000 6,000 34,000 5,000 46.7 4.3 482,000 9,000 79.8 1.3 0.586
South Carolina 382,000 15,000 2,702,000 15,000 154,000 10,000 40.3 2.0 2,093,000 21,000 77.5 0.7 0.521
South Dakota 57,000 8,000 456,000 9,000 29,000 6,000 50.8 5.6 382,000 10,000 83.8 1.4 0.606
Tennessee 529,000 18,000 3,704,000 18,000 216,000 13,000 40.9 1.6 2,926,000 24,000 79.0 0.5 0.518
Texas 1,905,000 36,000 16,267,000 37,000 938,000 24,000 49.2 1.0 12,686,000 58,000 78.0 0.3 0.631
Utah 196,000 13,000 1,833,000 15,000 114,000 10,000 58.4 2.4 1,500,000 16,000 81.8 0.7 0.714
Vermont 54,000 7,000 338,000 8,000 29,000 6,000 55.1 6.4 277,000 8,000 82.1 1.7 0.671
Virginia 551,000 16,000 4,610,000 17,000 252,000 14,000 45.7 1.8 3,703,000 27,000 80.3 0.5 0.569
Washington 533,000 19,000 4,211,000 19,000 253,000 14,000 47.5 1.8 3,351,000 26,000 79.6 0.5 0.597
West Virginia 168,000 10,000 855,000 11,000 52,000 5,000 31.2 2.6 632,000 14,000 73.9 1.3 0.422
Wisconsin 362,000 16,000 3,158,000 17,000 182,000 14,000 50.4 2.5 2,629,000 24,000 83.2 0.6 0.605
Wyoming 42,000 5,000 295,000 5,000 22,000 4,000 52.1 6.3 243,000 8,000 82.3 2.2 0.633
Puerto Rico 340,000 14,000 1,591,000 14,000 106,000 9,000 31.2 2.0 1,009,000 16,000 63.4 0.8 0.492
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2022), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of employed people with disability over the percentage of employed people without disability. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in employment percentage.
Citation: Thomas, N., Paul, S., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2024). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2024 (Table 3.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 3.2 Employment - Civilians with and without Hearing Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Table 3.2 Employment - Civilians with and without Hearing Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022
State Hearing Dis. No Hearing Dis. Employment - Hearing Dis. Employment - No Hearing Dis. Relative Ratio
# ME# # ME# # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 4,003,000 62,000 195,832,000 72,000 2,303,000 47,000 57.5 0.7 147,909,000 173,000 75.5 0.1 0.762
Alabama 80,000 7,000 2,915,000 10,000 42,000 6,000 53.0 4.4 2,057,000 20,000 70.5 0.7 0.751
Alaska 13,000 3,000 420,000 5,000 8,000 3,000 58.5 11.5 313,000 10,000 74.7 2.1 0.784
Arizona 83,000 8,000 4,221,000 10,000 48,000 6,000 57.7 4.4 3,147,000 25,000 74.6 0.6 0.774
Arkansas 57,000 6,000 1,718,000 8,000 29,000 4,000 50.3 5.1 1,207,000 16,000 70.2 0.9 0.716
California 363,000 15,000 23,649,000 20,000 203,000 12,000 56.0 1.9 17,469,000 60,000 73.9 0.3 0.758
Colorado 74,000 6,000 3,564,000 9,000 50,000 5,000 67.2 3.9 2,859,000 22,000 80.2 0.6 0.838
Connecticut 32,000 5,000 2,176,000 6,000 18,000 3,000 56.8 6.9 1,685,000 16,000 77.4 0.7 0.734
Delaware 12,000 3,000 576,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 44.0 10.7 444,000 10,000 77.1 1.6 0.571
District of Columbia 5,000 2,000 447,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 62.7 16.0 349,000 9,000 78.1 1.8 0.802
Florida 241,000 12,000 12,692,000 17,000 134,000 9,000 55.7 2.6 9,500,000 47,000 74.9 0.4 0.744
Georgia 129,000 11,000 6,486,000 13,000 73,000 7,000 56.5 3.6 4,856,000 30,000 74.9 0.5 0.755
Hawaii 16,000 5,000 780,000 7,000 9,000 3,000 56.3 9.5 591,000 12,000 75.8 1.3 0.743
Idaho 32,000 5,000 1,095,000 5,000 19,000 4,000 58.9 7.1 836,000 12,000 76.4 1.1 0.772
Illinois 121,000 9,000 7,484,000 12,000 71,000 7,000 58.9 3.3 5,765,000 32,000 77.0 0.4 0.764
Indiana 84,000 6,000 3,974,000 8,000 49,000 5,000 58.3 4.1 3,053,000 22,000 76.8 0.5 0.759
Iowa 37,000 5,000 1,841,000 8,000 23,000 4,000 63.7 5.7 1,488,000 15,000 80.9 0.8 0.788
Kansas 42,000 5,000 1,660,000 9,000 27,000 5,000 65.2 6.3 1,300,000 15,000 78.3 0.8 0.832
Kentucky 86,000 6,000 2,575,000 9,000 46,000 6,000 53.2 4.3 1,858,000 20,000 72.2 0.8 0.737
Louisiana 75,000 8,000 2,607,000 9,000 37,000 6,000 49.3 4.7 1,837,000 21,000 70.5 0.8 0.700
Maine 26,000 5,000 796,000 5,000 13,000 3,000 49.9 9.0 615,000 11,000 77.3 1.3 0.646
Maryland 56,000 6,000 3,655,000 8,000 38,000 6,000 66.5 4.6 2,870,000 21,000 78.5 0.6 0.847
Massachusetts 72,000 7,000 4,288,000 8,000 44,000 5,000 61.6 4.4 3,337,000 22,000 77.8 0.5 0.791
Michigan 121,000 8,000 5,875,000 12,000 66,000 7,000 54.5 4.1 4,372,000 28,000 74.4 0.5 0.732
Minnesota 66,000 7,000 3,356,000 11,000 42,000 6,000 63.4 4.6 2,734,000 25,000 81.4 0.7 0.778
Mississippi 47,000 5,000 1,654,000 7,000 26,000 4,000 54.5 5.6 1,142,000 16,000 69.0 1.0 0.789
Missouri 90,000 8,000 3,553,000 10,000 50,000 5,000 55.8 3.4 2,712,000 26,000 76.3 0.7 0.731
Montana 22,000 4,000 629,000 5,000 12,000 3,000 56.5 9.0 488,000 9,000 77.6 1.3 0.728
Nebraska 24,000 4,000 1,120,000 5,000 16,000 3,000 68.7 7.4 918,000 11,000 82.0 0.9 0.838
Nevada 44,000 5,000 1,872,000 7,000 27,000 5,000 60.2 5.9 1,390,000 18,000 74.3 0.9 0.810
New Hampshire 18,000 4,000 840,000 6,000 11,000 3,000 58.3 8.7 668,000 12,000 79.6 1.4 0.732
New Jersey 68,000 6,000 5,539,000 9,000 42,000 6,000 62.1 4.8 4,277,000 26,000 77.2 0.4 0.804
New Mexico 41,000 6,000 1,180,000 9,000 19,000 5,000 46.9 7.4 841,000 16,000 71.3 1.2 0.659
New York 175,000 11,000 11,857,000 12,000 88,000 8,000 50.3 3.3 8,779,000 50,000 74.0 0.4 0.680
North Carolina 127,000 10,000 6,245,000 12,000 69,000 7,000 54.2 3.4 4,679,000 32,000 74.9 0.5 0.723
North Dakota 9,000 3,000 449,000 5,000 6,000 2,000 68.6 14.1 368,000 9,000 82.0 1.6 0.836
Ohio 152,000 11,000 6,793,000 14,000 89,000 9,000 58.4 3.5 5,192,000 31,000 76.4 0.5 0.764
Oklahoma 77,000 8,000 2,263,000 9,000 42,000 5,000 54.3 4.2 1,644,000 17,000 72.7 0.8 0.747
Oregon 71,000 7,000 2,497,000 9,000 39,000 5,000 54.7 4.5 1,903,000 18,000 76.2 0.6 0.718
Pennsylvania 166,000 12,000 7,555,000 14,000 94,000 8,000 56.4 3.7 5,760,000 35,000 76.2 0.5 0.740
Rhode Island 10,000 2,000 667,000 4,000 7,000 2,000 72.6 8.2 509,000 9,000 76.3 1.3 0.952
South Carolina 65,000 6,000 3,019,000 8,000 36,000 5,000 56.0 4.4 2,211,000 19,000 73.2 0.7 0.765
South Dakota 14,000 3,000 499,000 5,000 9,000 3,000 64.8 10.3 402,000 8,000 80.6 1.4 0.804
Tennessee 98,000 8,000 4,135,000 10,000 56,000 6,000 57.7 3.5 3,086,000 23,000 74.6 0.5 0.774
Texas 398,000 17,000 17,774,000 21,000 250,000 15,000 62.7 2.1 13,374,000 56,000 75.2 0.3 0.834
Utah 33,000 5,000 1,996,000 7,000 22,000 4,000 66.9 4.9 1,593,000 14,000 79.8 0.7 0.839
Vermont 11,000 3,000 380,000 4,000 8,000 3,000 69.2 10.7 299,000 6,000 78.6 1.7 0.880
Virginia 105,000 9,000 5,057,000 14,000 60,000 7,000 57.6 3.5 3,895,000 24,000 77.0 0.4 0.747
Washington 101,000 8,000 4,643,000 12,000 60,000 7,000 59.7 4.1 3,544,000 24,000 76.3 0.5 0.782
West Virginia 34,000 5,000 990,000 6,000 15,000 4,000 43.3 7.1 670,000 14,000 67.7 1.3 0.640
Wisconsin 71,000 7,000 3,449,000 11,000 46,000 6,000 65.3 4.8 2,765,000 22,000 80.2 0.7 0.815
Wyoming 11,000 2,000 326,000 4,000 7,000 2,000 60.2 11.0 258,000 8,000 79.1 2.0 0.761
Puerto Rico 46,000 6,000 1,884,000 6,000 14,000 3,000 30.3 5.0 1,101,000 16,000 58.4 0.9 0.518
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2022), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of employed people with hearing disability over the percentage of employed people without hearing disability. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in employment percentage.
Citation: Thomas, N., Paul, S., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2024). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2024 (Table 3.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 3.3 Employment - Civilians with and without Vision Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022

Table 3.3 Employment - Civilians with and without Vision Disabilities Ages 18 to 64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2022
State Vision Dis. No Vision Dis. Employment - Vision Dis. Employment - No Vision Dis. Relative Ratio
# ME# # ME# # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 4,228,000 61,000 195,607,000 66,000 2,154,000 40,000 50.9 0.7 148,058,000 171,000 75.7 0.1 0.673
Alabama 94,000 9,000 2,901,000 9,000 39,000 6,000 40.9 4.1 2,060,000 20,000 71.0 0.7 0.576
Alaska 11,000 4,000 421,000 6,000 7,000 2,000 60.3 13.1 314,000 10,000 74.5 2.0 0.809
Arizona 98,000 8,000 4,205,000 10,000 57,000 7,000 57.7 4.1 3,138,000