Section 14: Vocational Rehabilitation

This section presents statistics on Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration in the United States. These data concern the number of individuals with disabilities who receive services and find employment (are successfully rehabilitated). The data presented here is collected and reported through administration of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The data address expenditures associated with vocational rehabilitation. The principal source of this data is the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s Annual Reports.


Table 14.1: In the cohort period 07/01/2022 to 06/30/2023, the state VR programs submitted statewide performance reports showing 617,018 participants received career services and 230,835 participants received training services. Table 14.1 Vocational Rehabilitation - Career Services Participants Served in Career and Training Programs Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022

Table 14.2: In the cohort period 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2023, the state VR programs submitted statewide performance reports showing 818,646 total participants in the U.S. received services. During the cohort period 07/01/2022 to 06/30/2023, 48.7% received measurable skill gains. Table 14.2 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022

Table 14.3: In the cohort period 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2023, the state VR programs submitted statewide performance reports showing 818,646 total participants in the U.S. received services while experiencing disability as a barrier to employment. During the cohort period 07/01/2022 to 06/30/2023, 48.7% of those participants received measurable skill gains. Table 14.3 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Individuals with Disabilities, as an Employment Barrier: 2022

Table 14.1 Vocational Rehabilitation - Career Services Participants Served in Career and Training Programs Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022

Table 14.1 Vocational Rehabilitation - Career Services Participants Served in Career and Training Programs Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022
State Career Services - Participants Career Services - Funds Training Services - Participants Training Services - Funds % Enrolled in More Than One Core Program
Served Exited Expended $ Cost Per Served $ Served Exited Expended $ Cost Per Served $
U.S. 617,018 186,928 1,091,433,772 1,769 230,835 37,901 585,603,426 2,537 9.9
Alabama 17,862 4,493 13,429,016 752 6,041 1,173 13,745,634 2,275 1.1
Alaska 1,313 536 1,108,820 844 279 52 1,028,237 3,685 1.9
Arizona 10,757 3,559 9,804,365 911 4,982 1,603 37,783,822 7,584 35.0
Arkansas 5,061 2,032 2,639,238 521 3,770 836 10,151,179 2,693 0.1
California 32,217 8,172 57,539,459 1,786 21,467 1,582 73,459,129 3,422 9.1
Colorado 7,677 2,921 14,259,316 1,857 2,610 630 8,580,062 3,287 8.5
Connecticut 4,255 1,429 13,715,756 3,223 842 235 1,508,280 1,791 15.4
Delaware 3,377 1,001 2,442,584 723 806 178 1,127,410 1,399 0.3
District of Columbia 3,336 1,390 3,460,718 1,037 724 151 3,671,837 5,072 28.0
Florida 42,602 12,659 139,717,251 3,280 10,438 1,750 28,672,909 2,747 9.7
Georgia 6,760 2,137 6,865,337 1,016 2,562 538 2,014,354 786 10.0
Hawaii 1,998 151 643,765 322 806 34 991,096 1,230 15.0
Idaho 3,749 1,049 5,428,380 1,448 1,365 263 2,869,456 2,102 5.9
Illinois 32,994 9,473 18,525,231 561 18,865 4,517 25,230,494 1,337 10.6
Indiana 12,029 3,312 22,272,677 1,852 2,129 228 5,107,761 2,399 12.0
Iowa 10,067 1,861 18,982,121 1,886 3,817 397 6,343,805 1,662 10.7
Kansas 3,129 913 4,136,426 1,322 1,252 152 2,610,797 2,085 14.1
Kentucky 10,931 4,059 10,812,908 989 3,922 628 10,012,240 2,553 32.6
Louisiana 6,228 1,544 3,990,650 641 2,142 202 7,435,757 3,471 1.0
Maine 5,202 1,334 3,838,529 738 684 39 824,605 1,206 5.0
Maryland 14,466 3,373 20,549,666 1,421 2,147 122 5,887,974 2,742 7.0
Massachusetts 13,516 2,888 36,043,563 2,667 6,195 627 7,299,970 1,178 7.3
Michigan 17,014 6,044 10,090,952 593 6,309 1,354 9,733,093 1,543 10.0
Minnesota 11,563 3,164 29,311,088 2,535 5,434 977 6,578,831 1,211 6.9
Mississippi 9,763 3,646 13,805,272 1,414 2,115 294 13,722,174 6,488 1.0
Missouri 15,295 6,151 37,000,231 2,419 4,126 558 13,610,891 3,299 1.6
Montana 3,892 1,018 1,309,749 337 1,736 219 3,546,359 2,043 8.9
Nebraska 3,170 1,037 13,574,774 4,282 540 43 1,779,940 3,296 12.3
Nevada 3,324 1,209 2,480,345 746 1,261 278 1,378,237 1,093 29.0
New Hampshire 2,747 729 3,935,077 1,432 479 21 992,667 2,072 5.0
New Jersey 13,925 3,823 6,373,445 458 2,342 431 3,665,594 1,565 14.5
New Mexico 5,530 1,470 1,460,520 264 1,613 160 3,686,984 2,286 19.5
New York 44,171 12,979 40,258,968 911 15,267 1,721 27,699,021 1,814 11.1
North Carolina 17,109 7,550 29,556,389 1,728 4,582 1,853 19,539,569 4,264 15.0
North Dakota 3,517 1,195 6,641,169 1,888 688 78 1,086,120 1,579 7.9
Ohio 20,589 6,869 41,716,883 2,026 9,582 1,207 13,987,239 1,460 0.1
Oklahoma 4,367 779 5,005,110 1,146 2,614 115 3,812,030 1,458 9.0
Oregon 4,691 1,341 10,684,565 2,278 950 119 1,704,102 1,794 14.0
Pennsylvania 23,126 11,006 15,784,159 683 6,945 1,075 27,103,394 3,903 12.4
Puerto Rico 7,224 2,804 3,550,132 491 7,461 1,384 12,371,249 1,658 2.0
Rhode Island 1,758 620 1,634,520 930 292 61 2,127,714 7,287 11.4
South Carolina 17,435 6,850 32,714,404 1,876 11,173 3,706 20,921,894 1,873 7.4
South Dakota 3,181 933 1,942,766 611 1,214 123 2,149,384 1,770 14.9
Tennessee 9,648 1,845 5,009,793 519 6,409 755 3,246,421 507 7.0
Texas 55,278 14,163 256,539,729 4,641 16,078 1,636 87,236,272 5,426 5.4
Utah 12,168 3,901 7,824,470 643 3,679 739 2,697,767 733 58.4
Vermont 4,845 1,566 8,854,752 1,828 1,794 234 3,279,307 1,828 8.4
Virginia 18,422 5,501 20,701,168 1,124 4,157 651 6,482,713 1,559 2.4
Washington 8,788 1,845 40,281,484 4,584 1,159 142 4,073,435 3,515 3.1
West Virginia 7,213 1,307 5,057,978 701 3,098 203 12,702,722 4,100 6.0
Wisconsin 15,881 4,788 27,150,827 1,710 9,024 1,663 15,884,124 1,760 17.0
Wyoming 1,414 385 977,278 691 659 130 2,447,372 3,714 38.0
Notes: Sourced from the United States Rehabilitation Services Administration, 2022, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Resources data & resources. The data presented in this table are from program year 2022 and can be found at The reported cohort period includes participants from 07/01/2022 to 06/30/2023. Percentage (%) enrolled in more than one core program.
Citation: Thomas, N., Paul, S., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2024). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2024 (Table 14.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 14.2 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022

Table 14.2 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): 2022
State Total Participants Employment Q2 Employment Q4 Median Earnings Credential Measurable Skills
Served Exited # % # % $ # % # %
U.S. 818,646 256,435 142,775 56.2 132,017 52.8 5130.00 30,370 37.6 103,455 48.7
Alabama 25,507 6,542 4,156 62.0 4,246 59.5 4799.13 1,211 38.3 4,828 53.8
Alaska 1,331 554 295 53.9 268 49.8 5450.21 43 47.8 124 63.3
Arizona 11,777 3,679 2,231 47.1 1,803 40.5 4977.64 490 24.8 723 23.4
Arkansas 9,315 2,154 1,617 63.5 1,588 61.7 6766.95 389 35.5 2,178 57.5
California 76,481 21,271 9,702 51.6 8,823 49.7 6697.57 2,408 43.5 5,342 28.6
Colorado 8,896 3,566 1,964 57.5 1,737 53.8 5143.63 209 33.3 433 24.9
Connecticut 4,756 1,717 986 59.5 669 42.2 6858.38 52 23.3 326 44.6
Delaware 3,897 1,515 620 42.0 533 40.9 4494.46 156 52.0 608 49.3
District of Columbia 3,917 1,436 489 31.4 471 29.2 5199.99 67 21.5 143 35.6
Florida 46,628 14,998 8,709 55.2 8,012 53.8 4708.00 1,295 24.8 5,499 38.7
Georgia 10,582 4,525 2,507 44.9 2,392 43.5 4158.90 837 41.0 590 46.3
Hawaii 3,012 208 47 39.8 71 30.2 5446.79 18 41.9 127 38.3
Idaho 4,778 1,767 1,130 64.9 1,157 62.7 4950.03 373 62.1 677 56.1
Illinois 33,024 9,501 6,093 60.2 4,547 48.7 4207.00 1,496 31.9 3,316 67.8
Indiana 12,660 3,683 1,956 60.4 1,889 57.9 3561.54 299 47.7 1,033 65.2
Iowa 13,857 3,949 2,262 59.6 2,049 58.3 4540.93 898 53.3 3,011 51.8
Kansas 6,489 1,975 1,217 50.1 999 43.9 3501.96 99 20.5 415 26.0
Kentucky 15,110 6,594 2,617 59.0 1,982 46.9 7768.07 285 27.0 1,660 30.7
Louisiana 8,887 2,344 1,563 54.9 1,332 55.9 5085.00 175 46.2 943 53.0
Maine 6,157 1,972 791 46.0 702 43.8 4432.88 288 51.9 542 38.2
Maryland 14,486 3,380 1,580 47.9 1,336 45.2 4421.00 106 26.4 766 50.4
Massachusetts 20,833 6,195 3,482 56.1 3,894 51.7 5304.32 693 26.5 2,170 39.9
Michigan 22,862 9,974 5,811 71.0 5,566 68.0 8885.00 952 50.9 2,641 56.3
Minnesota 13,721 4,702 2,862 57.8 2,448 57.8 3722.50 882 44.0 2,619 50.6
Mississippi 10,964 4,676 2,590 60.2 2,453 57.8 7158.44 189 38.7 1,632 76.4
Missouri 16,493 6,805 4,332 65.6 4,264 63.3 5620.06 1,100 61.6 3,027 73.6
Montana 4,025 1,096 404 54.6 251 44.3 3455.50 97 26.4 587 55.3
Nebraska 3,219 1,048 768 62.2 709 61.5 3541.92 132 43.6 305 40.3
Nevada 3,586 1,424 855 55.6 845 55.2 6007.95 82 38.1 272 42.2
New Hampshire 2,802 772 576 61.8 633 60.3 4198.92 133 48.9 387 58.1
New Jersey 15,457 4,303 2,750 54.1 2,495 46.4 6329.65 297 42.4 1,781 56.1
New Mexico 5,699 1,559 674 41.3 566 40.8 5033.37 151 37.6 837 52.9
New York 54,095 17,396 9,631 49.3 9,705 48.1 5388.00 2,837 34.9 8,812 54.5
North Carolina 23,144 8,220 3,861 49.1 2,822 35.8 3541.51 682 29.6 1,994 29.3
North Dakota 3,571 1,241 672 69.6 525 62.0 5204.97 216 68.8 900 67.5
Ohio 26,881 10,550 6,479 62.5 6,444 60.4 3411.00 1,583 49.6 6,698 67.5
Oklahoma 8,391 2,592 1,308 58.5 1,115 51.5 5330.10 430 50.9 2,228 71.6
Oregon 7,792 3,023 1,884 59.9 1,857 55.1 4034.65 131 46.0 213 33.1
Pennsylvania 38,670 12,012 5,888 61.8 5,186 56.8 5813.63 535 19.0 5,248 36.5
Puerto Rico 38,491 5,379 2,242 40.9 1,963 41.6 4590.00 1,065 32.0 4,499 52.5
Rhode Island 2,103 657 298 46.6 222 43.1 3481.18 46 33.6 136 39.5
South Carolina 17,887 7,049 4,563 65.6 4,769 61.6 5874.86 814 40.7 1,155 49.8
South Dakota 3,434 1,157 763 61.8 678 56.0 3599.00 102 34.0 601 49.8
Tennessee 11,166 2,214 1,497 60.2 1,486 54.5 4192.50 148 22.5 1,176 57.6
Texas 64,855 20,405 13,122 58.9 12,807 56.7 6351.27 3,062 40.6 8,132 51.6
Utah 12,661 4,250 2,039 53.7 1,995 52.7 4726.00 277 37.5 1,485 55.2
Vermont 4,847 1,567 777 56.0 693 55.4 6153.00 259 53.2 803 56.7
Virginia 18,497 5,572 3,114 58.1 2,847 55.7 4123.07 794 61.3 3,421 87.7
Washington 10,326 3,359 1,496 45.3 958 34.4 3914.55 128 14.5 675 51.8
West Virginia 9,080 2,237 1,169 72.8 1,094 70.1 7063.43 386 48.8 2,226 46.3
Wisconsin 18,649 6,795 3,856 56.8 3,644 53.9 3436.99 903 39.9 3,197 60.1
Wyoming 2,234 665 408 50.5 398 46.8 5950.22 62 27.2 235 29.6
Notes: Sourced from the United States Rehabilitation Services Administration, 2022, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Resources data & resources. The data presented in this table are from program year 2022 and can be found at The reported total participants served cohort period is 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2023. The reported total participants exited and measurable skill gains cohort period is 07/01/2022 to 06/30/2023. Q2 and median earnings cohort period is 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2022. Q4 cohort period is 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2022. Employment rates include those who entered into training or education program for the Youth program. Credential Rate and Measurable Skill Gains do not apply to the Wagner-Peyser program.
Citation: Thomas, N., Paul, S., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2024). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2024 (Table 14.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 14.3 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Individuals with Disabilities, as an Employment Barrier: 2022

Table 14.3 Vocational Rehabilitation - Statewide Performance of Program Services Reported Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Individuals with Disabilities, as an Employment Barrier: 2022
State Total Participants Employment Q2 Employment Q4 Median Earnings Credential Measurable Skills
Served Exited # % # % $ # % # %
U.S. 818,646 256,435 142,775 56.2 132,016 52.8 5130.00 30,369 37.6 103,455 48.7
Alabama 25,507 6,542 4,156 62.0 4,246 59.5 4799.13 1,211 38.3 4,828 53.8
Alaska 1,331 554 295 53.9 268 49.8 5450.21 43 47.8 124 63.3
Arizona 11,777 3,679 2,231 47.1 1,803 40.5 4977.64 490 24.8 723 23.4
Arkansas 9,315 2,154 1,617 63.5 1,588 61.7 6766.95 389 35.5 2,178 57.5
California 76,481 21,271 9,702 51.6 8,823 49.7 6697.57 2,408 43.5 5,342 28.6
Colorado 8,896 3,566 1,964 57.5 1,737 53.8 5143.63 209 33.3 433 24.9
Connecticut 4,756 1,717 986 59.5 669 42.2 6858.38 52 23.3 326 44.6
Delaware 3,897 1,515 620 42.0 533 40.9 4494.46 156 52.0 608 49.3
District of Columbia 3,917 1,436 489 31.4 471 29.2 5199.99 67 21.5 143 35.6
Florida 46,628 14,998 8,709 55.2 8,012 53.8 4708.00 1,295 24.8 5,499 38.7
Georgia 10,582 4,525 2,507 44.9 2,392 43.5 4158.90 837 41.0 590 46.3
Hawaii 3,012 208 47 39.8 71 30.2 5446.79 18 41.9 127 38.3
Idaho 4,778 1,767 1,130 64.9 1,157 62.7 4950.03 373 62.1 677 56.1
Illinois 33,024 9,501 6,093 60.2 4,547 48.7 4207.00 1,496 31.9 3,316 67.8
Indiana 12,660 3,683 1,956 60.4 1,889 57.9 3561.54 299 47.7 1,033 65.2
Iowa 13,857 3,949 2,262 59.6 2,049 58.3 4540.93 898 53.3 3,011 51.8
Kansas 6,489 1,975 1,217 50.1 999 43.9 3501.96 99 20.5 415 26.0
Kentucky 15,110 6,594 2,617 59.0 1,982 46.9 7768.07 285 27.0 1,660 30.7
Louisiana 8,887 2,344 1,563 54.9 1,332 55.9 5085.00 175 46.2 943 53.0
Maine 6,157 1,972 791 46.0 702 43.8 4432.88 288 51.9 542 38.2
Maryland 14,486 3,380 1,580 47.9 1,336 45.2 4421.00 106 26.4 766 50.4
Massachusetts 20,833 6,195 3,482 56.1 3,894 51.7 5304.32 693 26.5 2,170 39.9
Michigan 22,862 9,974 5,811 71.0 5,566 68.0 8885.00 952 50.9 2,641 56.3
Minnesota 13,721 4,702 2,862 57.8 2,448 57.8 3722.50 882 44.0 2,619 50.6
Mississippi 10,964 4,676 2,590 60.2 2,453 57.8 7158.44 189 38.7 1,632 76.4
Missouri 16,493 6,805 4,332 65.6 4,264 63.3 5620.06 1,100 61.6 3,027 73.6
Montana 4,025 1,096 404 54.7 250 44.4 3455.50 96 26.4 587 55.3
Nebraska 3,219 1,048 768 62.2 709 61.5 3541.92 132 43.6 305 40.3
Nevada 3,586 1,424 855 55.6 845 55.2 6007.95 82 38.1 272 42.2
New Hampshire 2,802 772 576 61.8 633 60.3 4198.92 133 48.9 387 58.1
New Jersey 15,457 4,303 2,750 54.1 2,495 46.4 6329.65 297 42.4 1,781 56.1
New Mexico